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Chen Zhao

Chen Zhao Lecturer

Department of Marine Science

Phone: 022-60601221

Location: Tianjin University of Science and Technology 9-602

E-mailzhaochen @tust.edu.cn

Research Interests

Internal waves, mixing and numerical simulation

Academic Advising

Now accepting Masters in Physical Oceanography in Marine Science

Educationin reverse chronological order

Doctor and Master of Science in Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, 2017-2022

Master of Science, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China, 2011-2015

Positions & Employmentin reverse chronological order

2022-present, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, lecturer


For Undergraduates: Conspectus about Marine technology; GIS Programming Design; Map Design and Compilation

Research Projectsin reverse chronological order

1) National Natural Science Foundation project, The propagation and dissipation processes of internal tidal energy in Mariana region under the influence of multi-sources, Principal Investigator

Key Publications:(in reverse chronological order

1) Robertson, Robin; Zhao, Chen; Wang, Weidong; Xu, Zhenhua; Liu, Zhiyu. A case study off the Tiwi Islands and the Coburg Peninsula: Baroclinic on one side and barotropic on the other. Progress In Oceanography, 2023, 216. 103057.

2) Wang Weidong; Robertson Robin; Wang Yang; Zhao Chen; Hao Zhanjiu; Yin Baoshu; Xu Zhenhua; Distinct Variability between Semidiurnal and Diurnal Internal Tides at the East China Sea Shelf, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(11): 2570-2570

3) Zhao, Chen; Xu, Zhenhua; Robertson, Robin; Li, Qun; Wang, Yang; Yin, Baoshu ; The Three-Dimensional Internal Tide Radiation and Dissipation in the Mariana Arc-Trench System, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2021, 126(5): 1-23